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I Didn't Get The Full Tank Of Petrol Promised

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Treacle71 | 16:38 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Motoring
29 Answers

As I mentioned earlier, I just bought a two year old used car at a main dealer.  Just before I put the deposit down, I asked if there could be any discount on the price, but they said no, but said they'd give a full tank of petrol; however, it only came to my attention the day after bringing the car home, it's only half full of petrol.  What should I do?



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You could try challenging the dealer, particlarly if the mileage is quoted on the sales receipt. In theory a verbal promise is binding; in practice it's impossible to prove. You can let them know where your next car will come from (or where it won't) if they won't oblige. The problem is that most cars started out selling petrol back in the day and then put the odd...
17:03 Sat 17th Aug 2024
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Thank you, Ellie. I did email him this morning about something else and he answered right away.

Please let us know the outcome, Treacle 

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Hello. Just to let you know I emailed the salesman to let him know and he said to bring the car in, which I did and he apologised when I was there. He filled the car up to the top. But I have some bad news, I've only had the car a week, went along the motorway and a stone hit my windscreen and cracked the windscreen, so how I have to have it replaced 😢. Never had anything like this happen in all my 30 years of driving. Very bad luck.

That's exactly what it is, bad luck.  It happens ☹️

What rotten luck Treacle. Probably not worth getting that through Insurance, there's often a trick in the small print (or an excess) to line the Insurance Company's pockets.

Windscreens can cost £hundreds if you don't go through the insurance. There will be an excess but it will be less than the full amount and it doesn't usually affect your NCB.

Thanks for clarification bhg481, I've lost touch since my lifetime ban.


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I didn't know who to contact at first. I thought it was the RAC!!, but when I rang the car dealer, they said it's insurance and I've to pay £115 excess 🤦. The earliest they can do is Tuesday. Anyway, I'm trying not to feel sorry myself!

Thank you for your replies. Fantastic help ❤ xx

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