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Griceratnumber9 | 17:33 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Stuck in the SW corner. Spire in parts of south just right in the middle. 5 letters. Kid still crawling Arthur. Oddly good for husband 6 letters two words. Any ideas will be welcomed.



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2 Rugrat - anagram of Arthur with h replaced by g

Answer to the first one is in the clue.

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I must be extremely thick but don't get it. Is it s-ri-?. Also cannot understand Scottish speaker introducing fashion for faux fur. 6 letters. Mouton??

Mou (Scots, mouth - Chambers) + ton (fashion)

Yes it's s-ri- (SE dialect).

...a 'spire' is a stalk.

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Many thanks all

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