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Weather... (Or Not).

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Khandro | 10:39 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Oscar Wilde thought conversation about the weather was, "the last refuge of the unamaginative, yet we all seem to persist.

How long is it since you last mentioned the weather?

Thinking back, for me it was three hours ago returning from a morning walk with my dog I said, "It really is a beautiful sunny morning."



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You have a sunny morning ? It's been urinating down here all night, and is still.

If only we could all have the imagination and talent of Mr Wilde 😊

I last mentioned the weather in Ab a few minutes ago 😀 😀 😀 

At 9 am I said "Look it's raining again" but it quickly passed.

Since the cat is the only one to talk to here...and he's not interested in the weather...the last mention was several nights ago. My daughter and I were discussing how downright awful it was.

At the moment it looks pleasant enough outside.

About 5 minutes ago, it's been a total heavy downpour in Dorset all morning. 

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According to a study conducted by the social anthropologist Kate Fox in Watching the English (2004). 94 % of British respondents claimed to have discussed the weather in the past 6 hours, against 38% in the last hour.   Wow !

"At almost any moment in the country, at least a third of the population is either talking about the weather, has already done so, or is about to do so."

So Pasta, you can claim some sort of award 😃 

Well...I'm going to talk about it again...its hammering down right now.

The MET Office lied. 😔 

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pasta; But you have the excuse of being an American 😉

I wonder if they talk about the weather so much in countries that have more benign climates, like N.Z. ? 

We're getting spits of rain in Belfast today and it's cooler than usual for August.

If I didn't have the weather to talk about I'd be stuck for a topic.


Weather here in S.E.Scotland - sunny, blue sky, slight breeze.
"Nice day, isn't it "....  to neighbour 😊

Not sure that New Zealand's climate is that "benign".

We listen to a N.Z. radio station and there are often stories about more extreme weather conditions...just like here.

Khandro @11:32...being an American, I either get let off for my ignorance/innocence...or blamed for everything. I'm used to it 😆 🤣 

Given that two main alternatives are politics and religion, talking about the weather is the safe option.

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The weather here (S.W. Germany) at this moment a sunny  36° celcius, or in old money 96.8 farenheit, at 5:30 pm.

That's hot man! 

94 % of British respondents claimed to have discussed the weather in the past 6 hours,

my arabic interpreter wdnt teach me weather words ( al-taqs) - " no one discusses weather " yeah OK we were near Wadi Halfa

We'e been in Edinburgh for the last week and we talked about the weather every few minutes!

I'm in Gran Canaria and the weather is not being kind to my hair 😒 

This morning I was watering my hanging baskets when a regular horserider clip-clipped past and the natural comment was 'Lovely morning for a ride', followed by a couple of exchanges about how the blustery windwasn't strong enough to spook the horse. Weather is integral to our lives really, so worth commenting on.

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