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As If There Are Not Enough Problems In Londonistan......

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ToraToraTora | 08:40 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
4 Answers

ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Notting Hill Crimaval.



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Beware putting "Londonistan" in your thread title !

Been a nightmare for years,  police can't win, light touch, too much crime and it's not safe, major presence they are oppressive racists.  


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It's basically the annual drug gangs' Bazzar!

Sadly it has been for years, I believe the area has been disputed territory  and tensions tend to boil over.   Unfortunately members of the public can get caught up in trouble, usually when they wander away from the main event. 

I could never go back to London to live even though my family are still there

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