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Which Outfit For My Next Interview?

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abbeylee90 | 20:32 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | Shopping & Style
37 Answers

It's time I bought something new 



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Prudie, why not just answer Abbey's question?  Stay on topic, please.

Barry to a large extent I don't post much on abbey's threads anymore as you and your lot constantly say not to unless..and as a proud mod you think it's OK to suggest banning a member who doesn't suggest pick a top for her to wear? You seriously think abbey's job prospects rely on what she wears to interviews?

Abbeylee, What sort of job is this interview for ??

A not-too-tight trouser suit in a plain colour (not purple or pink or orange or anything flamboyant)which suits you - this gives you a range of blues, greys, black, browns and greens. I seem to remember that you have blue eyes, so a darkish-blue (not necessarily navy)would probably suit you.

Add a plain white or cream shirt and you have an outfit which will be perfect for lots of interviews and also very wearable for other occasions.  You can add a piece of chunky jewellery to individualise it.  Hope this helps.

I quite like the top left one, Abbey, teamed with a smart jacket & skirt/trousers.  While interviewers like to see a presentable person in front of them, remember that the main reason is to see if they will be suitable to consider for the post advertised.  Good luck. 😊

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No I haven't got a  Interview yet, didn't get last one.

You must have plenty of clothes already, and as your hours have been reduced to 10 per week, perhaps you should be saving money?

Prudie, let me very clear.  I have not suggested banning anyone on this thread 

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They're to worn time for a change.

Everything you have is "too worn"?

Good evening,

looking back in your previous posts on what to wear to interviews, you received some really good advice.

why not follow that?

GE Scorpiojo,

I would imagine the clothes this lady buys are not quality.

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As I haven't been for an interview for a while



Barry I don't want to get in an issue with you, do you not read all the answers before you stamp your feet? Now removed but someone suggested (I won't name them here but it's obvious from my previous answer) that madgeorge was banned for their answer. NOT you. 

I agree with everything Prudie has said about anything relating to this. This is the first..and last..time I will be commenting on these threads.

Prudie, I think the 'as a proud mod' bit was misleading.  

There are some very hurtful comments here.  Totally unnecessary - and they come across as spiteful - so actually say more about the critics than Abbey - and that isn't flattering.  Abbey comes in for a lot of flack but she's inoffensive and she doesn't fight back.  All she's asking for is opinions on the pictures of clothes she's provided.  If you can't be a little kinder it's better you say nothing. 

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