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What Would You Choose?

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ToraToraTora | 09:52 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
39 Answers

Of those choices I think firing squad but when will the yanks wake up to the best execution method? Long drop rope, end of.



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What a stupid question. If you have done such a heinous crime to warrant a death penalty then you should have no right to choose how to die. 

//Inhalation of nitrogen causes euphoria followed by death//

How do you know that?

But the man in question has been given three options so the question isn't stupid at all.


It's a programme from the Horizon series presented by Michael Portillo.

It was tested on a pig which was given food to eat while the space it was in was flooded with nitrogen gas.

It collapsed but when it recovered, it went back to eating the food, showing it didn't associate the collapse with tbe food.

It results in hypoxia caused by oxygen starvation and Portillo went through a trial some pilots undergo when having to perform very simple tests whilst deprived of oxygen.

He was telt several times to put on his oxygen mask but wasn't bothered and it had to be replaced for him.


Did the pig or Michael Portillo say that they had experienced euphoria as a result of oxygen starvation?

Perhaps the pig was telling porkies.

^^^ You make me die Canary. 

HYMIE, watch the video, you might be surprised.

Portillo said he was, "very happy".

The pressure chamber is from about 36:50.

-- answer removed --


The choice was a feature of the crime series 'Oz' 

he chose stoning

Intravenous is a bit fraught as the last one took 20 mins to die ( doctors had refused to set up a drip in a drug addict) and the EMTs didnt quite get the  spot

AND all  british firms stopped making the killer truth serum Thiopentol. And  that was directly due to its use as a death  agent. 

A few years ago a Prison Warden bought the whole of the stock of Thiopentone of a hospital ( negotiated by the on call sub pharmacist ) and when the  admin awoke, they unwound the contract ! - the seller had  no power to trade

 the buyerwas going to taxi it to an airport and air freight  it ....

//Since I do believe that execution is immoral, I would take no part in the morbid notion of a 'choice' in how I was to die.//

And  yet here you are, being pious as usual.

I'd got for the shooting.

Why has my lengthy comment on the video been removed - I spent ages carefully compiling that critique and there was nothing whatever offensive in it that wasn't in the actual video. Which site rule did it break ? ? ?

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canary, the mods they are killing the site.

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probably raving-mod, out of control.

A great shame since it is an entertaining thread with room for a mixture of both serious and light-hearted responses IMHO.

"power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" springs to mind.

Whatever that fatal concoction is that Dignitas give will do for me.

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