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Why Do People Clean The Inside Of Microwave Ovens?

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sandyRoe | 20:03 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Wouldn't the radiation destroy any harmful germs when its heating food?



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I regularly wash the glass plate and wipe any food splashes. Hardly takes a minute.
20:06 Wed 28th Aug 2024

Microwaves surely can't be that short as otherwise you'd not need the turntable to avoid hot & cold spots.

OG, my large microwave is a flatbed, no turntable and no cold spots.

My last smaller one was a flatbed too

If spattered foods has a high sugar content it could catch fire

Manky microwaves smell.


Something must be spinning, because original design needs one. Maybe the generator moves instead ?

Or maybe different ovens have different frequencies ?

"Rather than rotating food on the turntable to heat evenly, a flatbed model has a rotating microwave antenna that is located underneath the base of the microwave.

That emphasis was there already and I couldn't change it.

Ta, Corby

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