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The Tory Legacy

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gulliver1 | 10:59 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
40 Answers

A massive Black hole has now been discovered in the UK economy..After the Tories went dancing and skipping over the sunny uplands with their pockets full of taxpayer cash. Now the truth is coming out.After Labour have discovered a whopping great £22 billion hole in the economy left by the Tories plus public borrowing was at a record high under the Tories ...Thank god the public woke up and smelled the coffee on july 4th.



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it'll be the nuclear tests in the Pacific in the 50s

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Vulcan 11.57 Why did you not write to the old Prime Minister Sunak or even Boris ,,Why did you wait for Labour to get elected ?Probably because you knew you had no chance  with the outgoing Govt.

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Did you used to fly Vulcan Bombers then Vulcan.?

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Vulcan if you had have written to the previous Tory Govt  I am sure they would have given you a payout from the £22 Billion that they spirited away.

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It's quite obvious that Labour are  not telling lies about this £22 billion Black hole in the economy that came to light after just a couple  of weeks in power.No incomoming Govt could ever spend that  much money in just a few weeks.  Not even a Tory govt could ....but they would have a bloody good try.

Thanks TTT.

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This post is now drifting of the topic of "The Tory legacy" and is now all about a National Service man who was called up into the RAF in the 1950s.

That is sheer garbage Gulliver.

Robber Reeves is lying, the books were there to look at, the IFS were happy or are you saying all those that looked and were happy (many independant) are liers?.

Stealer Starmer and Rachel Thieves are going to wreck this country, mark my words.

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Can well imagine the Labour MPs taking over the offices from the Tory MPs and finding many skeletons in the cupboards Wonder who opened the Broom Cupboard and found Matt Hancock inside Bonking away with his secretary😎

They are all politicians no matter which colour gymkhana rosette they wear. Being economical with the truth is a default setting.

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So we have a £22 Bn black hole.So how is splurging £11.6 Bn to African dictators and Palestinian terrorists going to help this deficit?Surely we will now have a £33.6 Bn deficit.Is it me?Am i missing something?

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YMB. "It isn't true though it is a labour lie"    "This is sheer garbage" says YMB ...Sorry but it is true and it ain't garbage.


Gulliver, accusations of criminal activity when you have no evidence whatsoever is potentially libellous.  Please don't do it.

*are potentially...

Were you on Christmas Island Vulcan?  My fiance at the time was out there.

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14.03 There's a medal on the way to you in the post.

To the Brexiteers, the disaster that Brexit is to the UK economy does not exist, similarly the £20 billion odd black hole in the UK’s finances due to the incompetent/corrupt 14 years of Tory rule does not exist (or if it does, it is all the fault of Labour).

who's truth  is it???labour or conservative,this is what they come up with almost every time there is an election.and gullible still believes it

I didn't intend to come back to this thread seeing as the OP is gulliver who seemed concerned that it had gone off topic but I realised he does that all the time on other threads and therefore I will take a leaf out of his book.

I wasn't involved in Operation Grapple which was the UK's atomic testing but was there in 1962 when the Americans "borrowed" Christmas Island. ( now called Kiritimati in the Gilbertese language. ti together is pronounced as s, so KiriSimaS is the closest they could get to Christmas). It was called Operation Dominic and over a period of four months the Americans dropped or fired 36 bombs and missiles, with 24 of them dropped south of Kiritimati. Our protection was 1 pair of thick black goggles that we couldn't see the sun through but when the bomb detonated everything was as clear as day. The American Government have paid out many thousands to any person who was there, military of civilian, American or British who developed cancer. The  British  governments, both Labour and Conservatives, constantly deferred payment , seemingly cynically withholding it until everybody involved died. The Labour statement I referred to was different in as much as they mentioned exposure to nuclear radiation and not just those with cancer. Out of about 20,000 military personnel eligible for compensation, there are an estimated 1500 of us left. As I said in the letter, time is literally running out.

Apologies to gulliver if he's still annoyed. 

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