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How Many Do You Know ?

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Canary42 | 15:41 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Jake Quickenden

Christine McGuinness

Tamer Hassan

Jamie MacDonald

Emma Thynn

Personally I've not heard of any of them.




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Completely agree Toorak.

Emma Thynn is the Marchioness of Bath.

I only know that because I watch Animal Park and the old Lord Bath was great.

Never watch cookery programmes. Boring.


well, none of them, but I've never heard of MasterChef either, so... it's not them, it's me...


Unless I'm missing the joke, I don't believe you.

It's the Z list of celebs, 

Tamar Hassan, is he a body double for Steven Segal, Mrs N commented 'I wonder how many pillowslips he ruins with all the hair dye '

Emma Thynn , looks like her surname'.

Emma Thynn is the marchioness of Bath, wife of Ceawlin, 8th Marquess of Bath and owner of Longleat. We just don't watch the 'right's programmes on television to know who people are. I suspect it has always been so.


None - lots of nonentities are touted as celebs days...

FWIW. None here either.

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