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Mobile Ab

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Bazile | 19:52 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
9 Answers

Why is it so difficult getting unto AB on your mobile phone 

Any passing folk will probably just give up and move on 



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I use AB on my mobile phone, almost every day, without any problems at all.

It might be your phone's web browser that's causing you problems, Baz.  Try clearing it's browsing data.

I don't have a problem.  I use my phone a lot.

How is it difficult, it's the only way I connect to AB.

No problem for me either. Writing this on my phone.

Does everybody get the begging letter overlaying most of the screen every time they open it or is it just me cos I'm loaded?

^^^ No, Douglas, I don't.

Clear your browsing data.

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Right , so if i type ' answerbank ' in my browser it comes up with a list of options for answerbank , but if you click on any of them it then says ' this site can't be reached '

However , if i type in browser it loads the site .


I added it to my home screen, so it opens as soon as I click on the icon

Once you get the site loaded, look up to the top right for three dots, click on here and then 'add to home screen'.  Now you should have an icon to get you logged in.

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