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Windows Backup

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Tubbycoates | 19:05 Sun 07th Aug 2022 | Technology
9 Answers
Hi all,

Every now and again I backup my laptop to a usb stick.

I tried it a few days ago, and, when I was connected to the internet, it failed with an error code 0x80070002. I disconnected from the net, and now it fails with a 0x81000019. I tried again after taking out my liitle micro card, and I got an error 0xB00701B1.

I've looked online and it baffles me what is going wrong.

The USB stick has enough space on it to do the backup, so what can I do please?




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Have you tried plugging it in to a different port?
Other than the backup facility, is the stick otherwise functional? E.g. can you copy a file onto it from your hard disk and vice versa?
The 0x81000019 error can often arise when there’s insufficient storage space available on the destination or source drive. So, make sure you have sufficient space on the drive you’re trying to back up Windows 10 to.

Furthermore, you’ll also need to have a good amount of space available on the source drive (about 40 percent free space). So, you might need to free up space if your hard drive is very full.
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Yes, I've tried a different port.
Yes, the stick works with other file transfers.
Yes, the stick is empty.

Thanks anyway.
//Yes, the stick is empty.//
Read the advice. You need at least 40% free on the SOURCE drive as well as adequate space on the destination.
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Yes, got that as well
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I'm beginning to wonder if my downloading the latest updates the day before may have something to do with it.

That’s frustrating. I had a similar issue where my backups kept failing with various errors. It turned out that the problem was with the USB stick itself—it was corrupted. I ended up formatting the USB stick, which resolved the issue. Make sure to back up any important data on it before doing so. Also, check for any software updates or use a different USB stick if the problem persists. If you’re still having trouble, you might find this guide helpful for troubleshooting: . It helped me out in a similar situation.

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