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Do You Anticipate More Food Banks Opening Shortly?

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naomi24 | 16:41 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Society & Culture
25 Answers

With the loss of the winter fuel allowance for many of the elderly and Keir Starmer's stark warning that the coming October budget will be harsh which will hit young and old alike, are we looking to an immediate future where more people will be obliged to rely on charity?



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Not sure naomi. I was actually an employee but had to resign last April as my head was not in a good place but my manager DID leave the option open to return as a volunteer. (Even possibly re-employment at some point) I did enjoy my time working there and saw first hand how so many people are struggling. Sure, you get those that just take because its there, but also saw those that genuinly were going hungry through no fault of their own.

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It's well worth considering, nailedit, not least because it would give you, personally, a worthwhile purpose in life.   You care - and people who care are the most valuable to any charity.  Do please think about it.

just found a 20 year old tin of red kidney beans in the back of a cupboard - food bank is welcome to it!

Just put up Income Tax by a penny or two. I dont understand why Labour is so averse to raising taxes. We are in a dire financial situation after 14 years of Tory rot, and the government is not going to find the money underneath the sofa

“Just put up Income Tax by a penny or two.”


Raising more money would simply see more wasted.

Instead, put it down by a penny or two and leave people to spend more of their money as they wish and not as determined. Then cut expenditure on some of the totally unnecessary and often undesirable  projects which are of no benefit to taxpayers. Cut the Civil Service to 10% less than pre-Covid levels. Begin that process by cutting every post whose job title involves “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” and extend that to all government, local government and State run organisations.

This year the government plans to spend £1,225bn. This is 45% of total national income or almost £20,000 for every man, woman and child. That is a preposterous amount of money. This country Is not short of funds; there’s plenty available. It’s simply not being spent properly.

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