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What Is Wrong With People.....part N

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ToraToraTora | 14:49 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
21 Answers

There is an entire internet of porn of every kind so why would you try and "up skirt" a random stranger?



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there was an instance of males caught nude bathing - most covered up their genitals - the wise ones covered their face.

old  cambridge joke from the 70s - the one covering his face was Master of.... etc

xenophobe is used correctly - xenos forrin - a good AB word, and phobe from phobomai I fear

the root for hate ( misos) is often not used

a person who strongly dislikes or fears foreigners, their customs, their religions,

English dictionaries are not prescriptive but descriptive - so if a word is used " wrongly" its use is still recorded

but we always really knew that, didnt we

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What Is Wrong With People.....part N

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