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Are Labour Trying To Kill Off Pubs Completely

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webbo3 | 12:33 Sat 31st Aug 2024 | News
24 Answers

Minimum pricing on alcohol along with no smoking near a pub will do it.

Anyone regreting voting Labour



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They would if they could 3T,with any profits siphoned into the back pockets of our SNP"dear leaders".Bastrads.

How many people go to the pub at lunchtimes whilst they are work?  I used to, years ago.  

How many pop in to the pub on the way home from work for a swift pint or two?  

How many go to their local 4 or 5 times a week?  

Society has changed.  It is no longer acceptable to have a couple of pints during your lunch break.  We no longer get off the bus and bob in the local on the way home from work.  Young families tend to more together, gone are the days when the wife stayed at home with the kids whilst the husband got bladdered in the pub several nights a week and watched the stripper in the boozer Sunday lunch times. 

It is no longer the done thing to go for a long drive to a country pub on a nice weekend and drive home after sinking a few bevvies.

I don't think the smoking ban has much to do with the closing of pubs.   Good pubs adapt and survive.  Within walking distance of my home there is a traditional pub with darts team, a pigeon club, the choice of food is a ham cob, a cheese cob or a cheese and ham cob, served with a pickled onion.  They have days out to the races and the seaside, and a chap plays the piano on a Saturday night.  

Another pub is a large, modern pub which caters to families, serving meals and showing sports.

There is another pub that specialises in very good food, adults only, no dogs.

Good pubs adapt and thrive. 

For the avoidance of doubt, thoughts are not facts.

We're off for our annual holiday in Scotland  (Langholm, nr. Moffat, if you're around Douglas) in a couple of weeks............. we'll be taking our wine and whisky with us and will only go to a pub to eat.  

It's getting awfully expensive to go for our annual visit - and so easy to break a speed limit! I know someone who lives in the Orkneys (Sanday) and things are still OK there  (shhh!).  


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