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nicebloke1 | 11:45 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Had a fabulous 3 weeks in Ireland sea fishing and coarse. I'm now completely shattered. Sea fishing got a little scary at times with high winds and some trips canceled for a day or two. Eating fish within half hour of being landed is just heaven, melts in the mouth like butter. Two weeks rest now then off to Scotland for 7/8 days. The Guinness in Ireland is so much better than the crap we seem to get here.




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Sounds fantastic. I love Ireland, such a beautiful country.

" Eating fish within half hour of being landed is just heaven, melts in the mouth like butter" -  I agree - a pal just dropped off four mackerel that were swimming in Kenmare Bay a couple of hours ago - I'm not sure whether to have a second breakfast or an early tea 😎

You are right about the Guinness too - Sláinte

I had some delicious bass grouper in Gran Canaria two nights ago (although I didn't catch it myself) but the portion was ridiculous and I had to give half of it away. There's very little that compares with freshly-caught juicy fish.

I would love to visit Ireland and sample the Guinness - maybe one day in the not-too-distant future.

I've been to Ireland many times, my brother lives there. Anyway I have drunk gallons of the black stuff and it certainly does seem to taste better. Though I often wondered if it was a bit of Emperors new clothesy you know a sort of placebo effect. But it turns out it really is better:

probably down to freshness travel etc.

How much is a pint of Guinness in Ireland these days?  It's been too long since I were last there.  

€5.20 in my local, barry - but that's relatively cheap - I paid €7 in Cork a few days ago (for a worse pint - albeit still better than any in England).

I was in Temple bar a few years ago and it was getting on for 8 Euros in the OSJG. Probably closer to 10 now!

That's not bad, dave.  

I love a glass of Guiness in Ireland. 

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@13.46 around €7 but like here depends where you are, most I paid was €8 i think. Never bother with beer here, its rubbish and a premium price. Guinness in Ireland is top notch so no problem in paying a top notch price. In saying that I don't drink that much beer, two at the most or would spend most of my time in the loo :0)

Did someone mention alchohol free Guinness the other day , on here ?

Thanks, nicebloke.

Yes they did, bazille

Where are you bound for in Scotland, Nicebloke?  Maybe you'll be sampling some of the finest whisky?

How different ,is the taste between the two?

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16.48, Pitlochry is one of my favourite places so heading there first, shall stop halfway because its over a five hour drive. Then just carry on up and up.

16.50. Alcholhol free? Just an expensive con in my view. You may as well drink a 50p can of pop:0) You could go up to the bar and ask if you can have a pint of free alcholhol. :0))

17.17/  Pitlochry is nice, been there many times.  My uncle had a little boat on the Tummel and often went fishing.  Have you tried the Tweed?

Does this mean that if I went to Ireland I might actually enjoy Guinness?

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17.23 Stopped overnight a few times by the Tweed but never fished it, I prefer still water fishing inland, river fishing can be hard work sometimes. In saying that the sea fishing I've just done was a bit back breaking.:0)))

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