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Bazile | 10:01 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

I just hate it when I reach the top of the stairs and one of my slip on slippers falls of my foot and makes its way all the way back down to the bottom of the stairs , forcing me to go back down to retrieve it 

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When I sit down to watch TV and find I left the remote on the sideboard across the room...

Too many to list here, but I may produce a pamphlet.

yes slip ons flip flops anything like that. All my footwear stays attached to my feet.

We have up with proper slippers years ago because they are annoying and can be dangerous.  We all wear slip on, lightweight Skechers instead, just as comfortable and warm.

I get annoyed when I prep half a dozen cups of coffee, pour the hot water in and find the milk has turned. No funny smell, no warning

When I'm preparing a meal and then find I don't have a vital ingredient.

Going upstairs, get to the top and forget what I have gone up there for.  Often these days.

Needless random abbreviation does rankle from time to time.

Bazile, glad to hear it's only your slipper that goes to the bottom of the stair and not you with it.  These slip on slippers are the cause of many falls.  

I got annoyed today, having to wait an extra day for the Premium Bond draw because the 1st fell on a weekend.

When I was very overweight I used to get annoyed every time women I didn't know poked me in the stomach.  Other big chaps have told me the same happens to them.  I asked some why they did it, and they always said they had no idea, they didn't even think about it.  I'm not a chuffing teddy bear.

//You have any annoyances//


Yeah. Going to court, magistrates retire, and then security walk in. Can really put a dampner on the day...

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