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Your Reaction - The Current Alzheimer's Society Advert

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DTCwordfan | 18:06 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

I HATE it.

I have written to them, here's my text with a little redaction.

Your 'Long Goodbye' advert is an absolute disgrace and I am thinking about contacting the Daily Telegraph over it. They  DO NOT DIE and DIE and DIE - until the final moment. They lose functionality in a wide spectrum over time but they are still alive and can often respond in more subtle ways.

You as a Society should be ashamed of yourselves as this is not the truth and your staff will well know this.

Even allowing for their functionality declining or disappearing, and in no way is it a straight downward line, they remain 'living people'and family/close friends should be encouraged to do all they can to support their loved one.

The son and ex-carer of my Mater who is in a Home and has had the condition from at least 1994. I've written a book about the caring aspect, xxxxx

FYI, I've raised it as a subject on the media channel 'Answerbank'.

I've asked for their comment but what do you think of it, particularly those of you who have experienced Alzheimers or any other dementia in your family?



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PP, this is not my first experience of Alzheimer's, thank you - and I don't share your views on the subject

oh dear - we arent edging towards zapping any answer we dont like, are we?

There is a diversity of views. I wd rather have cancer rather than dementia which is kinda lucky because I do.

ca patients dont really go for 'mimsy'.

PP, I don't zap answers I don't like, only those that break Site Rules.  Quit with your accusations.

Not an accusation, a question, surely.

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