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Has Anyone Noticed.....?

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ToraToraTora | 09:51 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Politics
47 Answers

Most of our resident lefties are disowning Labour now. eg Canary and untitled claimed Starmer was like George Osborne.

You won chaps you got real Labour is it not how you hoped it would be? Did you not remember them from the 70s? Be careful what you wish for.



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If it's a cold winter, they'll be lining us up in order of age and sending us out to the Arctic ice floes. Polar bears will be happy 😊 😃 

I could give guliver plenty of names but lefty isn't one of them.


The good people of Islington put conscience before party when they voted for Jeremy in the last election.

"You say left wing things, you support left wing Ideals. It's quiet possible that you could be a Labour voter"

you asked me at the time and I told you I was voting Green! and you act like this is some kind of astonishing deduction lol. 

yes i am left wing. not a communist as youngmafbog insists... and not a marxist though i have read marx and understand what he thought and why i disagree. i am a left-leaning social democrat. i voted for labour in previous elections (but not all). i did not vote for them in 2024... and said so at the time. 

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ok I forgot you voted green. apologies for that but you have been a Labour voter and you support left wing ideas and have left wing views. So you'd be happier with Labour than the Tories right? So when Labour won rather than the Tories you must be happier right? Apparently 84% of those that voted reform had the Tories as their second shoice. I suspect that in the case of green voters 99.9% would prefer Labour if they could not win. So the premise of this is that you must have been happier that Labour won rather than the Tories.

i was happy to see the tories lose. i still am. 

Supposition, conjecture and invention.

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