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Car Registration Numbers

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Bazile | 09:55 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

How many of your car registration numbers can you remember.

I've had five cars and can remember them all , except the first one .



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I have them written on a piece of paper and stored safely in my wallet.

It's what you do with numbers, I've read.

3 or 4 I must have had more than 10 cars.

None.  I'm not sure I remember the current one correctly.  

I can only remember the first one!

Nearly all of them, particularly the first one (I still have tthe spare keys as it went for scrap).

About 3 from over 10 cars.

About to go and pick up a new one this morning on 74 reg plate.

I said 'will you be open Sunday for pickups'

No sir we don't do that anymore.

I remember peop,e collecting at midnight for new reg day.

I've just written 10 down, right from the first one, although I've had 5 with same reg number now.

AGD 946 was my first ever car. Know my present one but the rest are history/a mystery.


Duh....... it was 946 AGD

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//About to go and pick up a new one this morning on 74 reg plate.//

And what is the car that will be taking pride of place on your drive  later today?


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I remember seeing that car parked outside on the road 

i can remember all my dad's from when i was a child.  Couldn't tell you my current one tho!

I used to be able to recite them all off, but advanced ageing has obliterated quite a few, although I do remember our first family car reg way back in the late Fifties which was UNG525 - a lovely old secondhand Vauxhall Wyvern, they don't make them like that these days [sigh].   I can't even remember all the cars (well over 5) as two of the jobs I held provided Company Cars which changed quite frequently.

I remember the number for my mum's Mini from when I was a child. Don't remember any of mine, apart from my current one. 

First car in my family was a red/white Hillman Minx my Dad bought for my brother from a fellow teacher for £100:  WBT 503

Why I can remember the number when it wasn't my car. I have no idea!  Must have been the excitement of a first family vehicle.


a neighbour called Mr Chew had GUM 22 - that was back in the 50s

I simply could not remember the reg of the car I have now, not even after a couple of years.  In the end I bought a cheap private plate I could remember.

In the 70s my neighbour, a very glamorous lady had BAB1.  That must have cost a few bob

I can remember the first two that I had and I use them, joined together, as a password.

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Car Registration Numbers

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