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Do I Go To The Dentist?

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abbeylee90 | 20:52 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | How it Works
35 Answers

I got abit of pain on my lower left tooth and not sure if it is root canal 



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Maybe you should get your tooth seen to just now, Abbey, just in case you do get a full-time job. You've got lots of spare time just now,that could change.

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Even if it was full time if your in that much pain, you have to take time off to see The dentist. I have Clive oil somewhere I thought.

Abbey, yes, I'm sure most people know that you can get time off work to deal with pain! I was just thinking of you starting a new job (another new job) and needing time off. Why not see if there's a problem (with your tooth) now and sort it now? 

Tooth hurt, go dentist. Foot hurt, go chiropodist. Back hurt, go chiropractor. Head hurt, go AB.

And if you become a pain in the rectum,  see a proctologist😖😫🥱 

I think you've put your finger on it, Ozzy. 😳

Or in it 😓

If I have dental pain Abbey and think it could be an infection, I usually swish the area thoroughly a couple of times a day with Corsodyl (The smaller brown bottle not the larger everyday mouthwash one) trying to hold it in the affected area for a few moments. Mostly, if it's minor, it clears it completely but if not keeps it at bay until I can see a dentist.

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It's fine now

I am sorry but is Abby for real?  Just looking at her previous questions .... 

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They're irrelevant to this.

yes you go to the dentist

Why not try this, a little tip I was given by my dentist some years ago - treat youtself to a tube of SENSODYNE REPAIR AND PROTECT toothpaste, put a small blob on the end of your finger and rub it all around the offending tooth. Will be a bit painful initially but will wear off and then, hopefully, the pain in the tooth will wear off. I swear by it. Good luck.


Good advice fbg.


Sensodyne is like WD40 for teeth.

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