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Genius 255

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JJ109 | 03:45 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

22d Hurt I revised for one second in class (6)

Due to the nature of the puzzle, I cannot give you the crossers, but these 3 letters should be somewhere in the answer - N,O,E

15d Set one down first immediately, instantly first of all.(9)

Due to the crossers, I think the answer to the clue (not the answer input) is "stationed", but I cannot parse it!

5a Papers rip and run out after setback (6)

Once again 3 letters somewhere in the answer are R,A,S

Many thanks



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22d Def is hurt. Replace one s with i , in a word for class.
07:58 Tue 03rd Sep 2024

22d Def is hurt. Replace one s with i , in a word for class.

JJ, I gave a hint for 5 A on Matakari's thread, but here's another....the answer is also more than one musical instrument, played in church.

15d may relate to clue one down, but more likely  one down just explains the one d in your clue answer and could stati come from at 1st?

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Thank you everyone. Now finished. All three answers were equally best but I can only award one!

Thanks, JJ - and glad you got this one all done.

PS EV was a little harder, but even more fun!

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Thanks NAC - I have been out for a few days, so I will now get on with the AZED, and then I shall have a look at the EV after that.

15d. Def set.Oned(one down) but before that  put  stat ( immediately) and i ( instantly first ). So stat i oned.

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Genius 255

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