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The Far-Right In East Germany

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sandyRoe | 13:05 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | News
15 Answers

 If we could learn to look instead of gawking,

We'd see the horror in the heart of farce,

If only we could act instead of talking,

We wouldn't always end up on our ***.

This was the thing that nearly had us mastered;

Don't yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!

Although the world stood up and stopped the ***,

The bitch that bore him is in heat again.



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All the fault of the liberal left and the far-left.

If you dont listen to popular views and denegrate them by calling those that populist then what do you expect.

Same goes for calling noraml people far-right, its like crying wolf, when the real far right rises no one listens.  

I have been predicting this would happen for a few years now.

enabled by the Trobiscites. The lefties cannot see it but they are the main fuel that feeds the right wing fire.

Of course Starmer could lend the Germans his storm troppers to arrest and lock them up.  Mustn have the wrong views must we?

What's the question?

The lefties cannot see it but they are the main fuel that feeds the right wing fire.

I am far right and  use Nazi Salutes because the lefties are left ! ?

good luck on that one

Mustnt have the wrong views must we?

No,  that is only on AB


One wonders if the far right in Germany are as anti-semitic as the far left are in the UK at the moment.

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To criticise the murderous actions of the Israeli armed forces doesn't mean that the critic is an anti-Semite.

to call baby beheading terrorsts "freedom fighters" does sandy.

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You know well enough that was a lie.

There are babies being dismembered, turned into so much minced meat, by the Israelis.

Re sandyRoe but to criticise murdering terroists makes you islamaphobic.

Sandy forgets his beloved IRA"freedom fighters"were allied with the Nazis during World War 2,3T.I will keep on reminding him.

....and the Irish Toisech, Eamon De Valera who famously signed the book of condolence for Adolph Hitler.

Arturo Ui. Sadly the bitch that bore him is always in heat. 

@21.51.Arturo Ui was speaking about European fascism"back in the day",tomus,they were easily got rid of.Nowadays he would be speaking about Islamofascism.These modern day fascists will be a lot,lot harder to get rid of.

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The Far-Right In East Germany

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