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Happy Birthday, Hopkirk

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Hazlinny | 07:12 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

✈ 🚛 🎈 Just hopping by to wish you "Happy Birthday" ... hope you have an enjoyable day, whatever is planned, with cake and vino. ✈ x



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Best wishes Hoppy, care to share your age?

Ya old *** 😇

Happy birthday 😊

Happy birthday, Hoppy!

Happy birthday Hoppy, hope you have a great day 😊

Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎉🎉

Happy Birthday to Hoppy !   I hope you have a great day x

Thanks. Who let the cat out of the bag?

Still trucking.🚛🎉🎈Hoppy birthday 🎂 

If they hadn't moved the goalposts I could have packed it all in today and caught a bus.

Happy Birthday Hopkirk hope you're having a good one, all the best to you 🍰🎂🧁🥮🍥🧁

Happy Birthday, Hopkirk!  😊

Happy birthday Hoppy, have a great day x

Thanks all.


I'm in days off,and took it so easy that I had an afternoon snooze.

Woken up by torrential rain.

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Happy Birthday, Hopkirk

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