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If There Was A Time Machine To Take All The Abers...

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sandyRoe | 16:46 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
32 Answers

...back 90 years to the 1930s, how many of us would consider supporting the Blackshirts?



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many germans "had concerns" about the jewish menace supposedly threatening their society and about the "profound and undesirable" effect they had on the nation. hitler did them the great courtesy of listening to their "concerns" and telling them that they were all right. the nazis were very sympathetic to "patriotic" volunteers who went out and trashed...
19:03 Mon 02nd Sep 2024

Things like this happen when a government has policies with which many disgree but feel unable to change by any legitimate means. It sometimes works...

and things like this happen when "people with concerns" about minorities they dislike get their way. 

It's not about minority families who are integrated with the general population and have been here for years, decades, even centuries.

It's about a rapid influx of many - usually young males - most of whom are economic migrants and would be deemed illegal if Labour don't rubber stamp their right to reside.

And STILL they come!

//back 90 years to the 1930s, how many of us would//

Would actually be alive?

dave there is a difference between disagreeing with immogration policy and for example beating up brown people in the street or trashing their businesses or setting a hotel full of people on fire with the intention to kill and terrorise. the latter is indefensible.

Well if the government don't have an acceptable, workable policy people will make their objections felt & bad people will take advantage.

If the time machine took us forward 90 years how many Abers would be happy to see that Islam now ruled over the UK?

at least they are providing work for the statisticians!

//If the time machine took us forward 90 years how many Abers would be happy to see that Islam now ruled over the UK?//

I wish there was a mass debater emoji, 🤣

i doubt very much that it will clone. 

I wish there was a mass debater emoji, 🤣


Get back to your xxxx you drunken fool.

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