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Sentencing Delayed Because His Mum's On Holiday!

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bednobs | 12:16 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | News
23 Answers

i read an article yesterday about the 12 yo boy whose sentencing for taking part in the riots has has to be delayed, because on his sentencing date, his mum had gone on holiday to ibiza!

I was utterly astounded, seriously what type of mum does that? 



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Link doesnt work, what exactly was the child accused of during the riots?  Was it looting or lobbing bricks at Coppers or some hurty words?  Makes a big difference.

And who was he with at the riots?

^Try this link (which doesn't have the weird bit on the end) youngmafbog

The boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had earlier admitted taking part in rioting in Manchester on 31 July and throwing a missile at a police van in Manchester city centre on 3 August.

The youngster, who was accompanied to court by his uncle, had earlier admitted being part of a mob that attacked a bus outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Manchester on 31 July.

Days later on 3 August, in Manchester city centre, he was part of a group filmed kicking the windows of a vape shop and throwing a missile at a police van.

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Sentencing Delayed Because His Mum's On Holiday!

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