Toilet, Shower And Sink At Back Of My House in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Toilet, Shower And Sink At Back Of My House

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JinnyJoan | 11:16 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
28 Answers

well I am still of the above idea but the idea has moved.  Rather than go through half of my dining room being dug and going through all the digging etc.

I was wondering could I the above in like an enclosed hub and put to the back of the wall.  Yes I understand all never never as in heat and elements  going to the back room but I should have that covered.  Anybody first of all tell me where I can if I can buy the hub.  Thanks for all your help.

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This pod can be installed outside, or inside


This will cost a lot more than you imagine to buy.  You can rent one for between £200 - £400 per week.


whereas it would only cost you a bit more to rent a stairlift for a year

Average cost to buy a stairlift is £2500 for a straight staircase

but renting is significantly cheaper - my stairlift (straight) cose less than £500 to rent for a year

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thanks Barry for that brilliant answer and I am going for it - I contacted them but it was an English girl and I couldn't hear her very well so she took my email address so that they contact me - I just concerned that is if it a British firm they not do here.  It would suit me to the truly ground.  Of course if all goes well I will be buying it.


Bed nobs - you mention staircase but in some cases the staircase would be too slow - damage  on the way up would be done LOL but thatnks for your suggestion

Goodness that would be a minimum of £11000 a year!

It must be cheaper to have a proper bathroom installed? At least that would increase your house price.

I don't know how much that pod will be to buy outright, cheaper than renting long term

flipping heck jj , how much mney have you got ?


How much is a WashPod?

A WashPod will cost between £23,000 and £49,000* depending on the model. Our Fixed-Price Turnaround Service costs are between £5,800 and £33,000* (again model dependent) and includes: Initial virtual survey to confirm model suitability. Site survey and feasibility plans."


I do wonder how much it would devalue your house, having this stuck in the corner of your dining room.

It won't be in the corner of the dining room, it will be in the garden

But wouldn't an actual extension be less?

Aplogies the OP is not that clear as she is mentioning dining room and back room, I assumed that she was putting this indoors.

So the OP is going to have to walk outside to use the loo in an emgergency?

How is that quicker that a stairlift? Especially in the winter.

I would have thought so - if she can get planning permission.  I believe her back garden is very small.  This is a temporary installation and may be subject to different rules.

I think it is a bonkers idea, personally, but it's not my house nor my money.

As distateful as many find it, I would go for the stairlift for bed and bath/shower time and a downstairs commode or compost loo (no water connection nor drainage required) for daytime trips to the loo.

That's barmy - and the cost is even barmier.  If the dining room is at the back of the house I'd rather have that turned into a bathroom and have it done properly.  

Or move to a more suitable property - it's what many folks do when they can no longer cope in their long-time home.

It's difficult for some older people to move when they have good friends and neighbours that they rely on nearby. We would hate to move out of our GPs catchment area and we wouldn't be able to look after our oldsters without the help we get from people who live close - paid and unpaid.

JJ, did you get a quote?  Are you going ahead with it?

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I did get a quote like £15,000 for the unit to be delivered and installed at the back of garden but when I mentioned like a path from it to my home it turned out to be £69,000 - so no couldn't afford that.

However I have been contacted by a few builders who were interested but now that we are entering winter I will give it a whirl next year oh dear 2025.  So that's where I am now Barry

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