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Why Does Prince Harry Think He Is Owed A "Grovelling Apology" Or Any Apology For That Matter?

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ToraToraTora | 13:03 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
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Just for info. Harry formerly known as prince calls himself Spare. It was the title of his "book". Why is that not good enough for a title header on this site? 
13:11 Fri 30th Aug 2024

apparently the two warring Bros DID meet in private with one item on the agenda

Harry's return !

I didnt believe it   ( Times today)

I don't know why they fell out, does anyone?   I don't know if William should apologise or not. 

Harry doesn't call himself 'Spare'.  In his book he makes it clear that even his mother used it in a disparaging way and he hates it - they title is a criticism of his family, not his favourite nickname

Wills flung H into a dog bowl and broke it - no I havent read Spare - nor  the sequels Spare in the dog house and Spare flushed down the bog.

oh, it is probably about - "what colour will the kids be?" - apparently a common quetstion in Afro Caribbean families

We certainly had that conversation in my family - initiated by the parents to be, I must add.

Every family speculates about eye and hair colour, whether baby will be tall like one parent, or short like the other; whether they'll be arty like dad or practical like mum. If the parents have different skin tones, that also comes in to it. Human nature, isn't it?

It's not just that. If an apology is owed, it's owed to Harry's family.

I mean the royals - not his Californian family.

The further away he is the better I like it.  Immature, spoilt brat

I think Harry feels hard done by the press reporting on his misspent youthful antics and The Firm not defending him. Also apparently William advised him to be cautious when he started seeing Meghan and Charles had the audacity to marry Camilla. 

I'm far from being a royalist but personally I think he's a bit 'Special' that lad.

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