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That's The Way To Do It.

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gulliver1 | 10:43 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | News
18 Answers

Hereditary Peers to be kicked out of the House of Lords .      Well done Keir. Get rid of these scroungers.



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Yep great Idea. While you are at it abolish the whole sorry sheet show and replace with an elected chamber.

Be better if he properly grasped the nettle & kicked out the whole damn lot!

Oh my god thanks for the heads up gulliver I missed this one. Jesus Sir Keir is working his socks off.:0)

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The Conservatives have called this move as a vendetta and political vandalism. I call it a bloody good decision , And hope this is the beginning of the end of the HOL.               ..........Well done Labour......

At last a PM with integrity!!

gulliver: "The Conservatives have called this move as a vendetta and political vandalism." - not all of us, I have been saying for years the HOL should be abolished and replaced with an elected upper chamber. Getting rid of the hereditary mob is a good start. Lets rejoice that there is something we can agree on!

No HoC discussion ?

The whole of the 2nd chamber needs to be elected by the people, otherwise it ain't (even pseudo) democracy.

But in the meantime, this from two months ago.


//Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance//


Don't hold your breath.

Not a very clear heading for news.....

Wow talk about being negative.:0)

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Just think what Labour could do with all the money saved if they completely abolished the HOL .And nationalised public services .  They could give the real workers and taxpayers a decent living wage and look after the poor and needy.Then ex tory tax evaders like Nadhim Zahawi  would no longer have to complain to the Mayor of London about having to walk past homeless people sleeping rough on the pavements of Mayfair .

Sounds like they still want it to be ruled by those with patronage. That may be a cue for another referendum; but only if sensible options get on the form.

TORATORATORA, it was clear enough for you to post a reply to it and the body of the question explains what it is about.

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TTT 11.02 "Sour Grapes "  again.... Try to get over it.

I agree with you on this post.

It's a start, now get shot of the rest and lets have an elected second chamber with a max of 100 in it.

You do realise that there are 171 Labour ones?

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YMB 11,43 You do realise that there are 277 tory ones also

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