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Are Children Forced To Grow Up Too Fast These Days?

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renegadefm | 03:21 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Family & Relationships
82 Answers

I'm certain children are forced to grow up too fast and too soon these days.


My 9 year old daughter is in her last week of her summer holidays, but she just blurted something out to me today when we went out for a walk. 


She said Dad do you know our teacher has been recently telling us all about sex education, and wet dreams, and even had women and mens private parts on a big tv screen?  Frankly I was speechless, I said how did you feel about it, she said well I felt it was inappropriate, as me and my friends was embarrassed to say the least.


Deep down I was fuming because as parents I didn't realise this was going on in children as young as 8 to 9.


My God when I was a child in the 70's, 80's,  sex was never mentioned at least until big school, certainly not primary school. 


Why are they forcing that onto children so young these days?

If my daughter feels its inappropriate surely it is. 


Isn't it? 



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Renegade, I urge you to speak to her teacher, to look at the pictures she has seen and finds out exactly what was said to her.

You might feel differently when you have all the facts

Yes they are, even before being educated in the basics. 

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