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Labour: We Have No Plans To Ditch The British I S A.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:17 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | News
16 Answers

Labour: we are ditching the British ISA

Can't have people saving their dosh can we!



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I recall experts questioned its feasibility and merits after Hunt& Sunak announced it, and suggested it was unlikely to be workable.

Well it looks like anything labour said "We will not" actually means "We will".

Labour Scum.

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Steady YMB surely that's ©GOAS....

Just thought I would get it in, sauce for the Goose etc.

Well it looks like anything labour said "We will not" actually means "We will".

happens a lot here

( what GOAS den?) oh and finally "AfD driven by Gen Z" headline  in the times - so I have to apologise too TTT when I  poo-pooed the idea when he raised it a week or so ago

Yes TTT, What is GOAS then?

I asked Mr Google as this is what he came up with:


GOAS  Greater Ozarks Audubon Society (Missouri)

GOAS  Global Data Assimilation System

GOAS  Genetics Office Automation System (database management system)

Which one did you have in mind?


'Gob on a stick' has been used a lot on here for Angela

Once again misleading newspaper headline, about a scheme whose flaws were being pointed out well before the election.

The normal ISA rules aren't necessarily set in stone & folks who have invested a lot over the years have built up substantial amounts - a possible target for "Robber" Reeves?

newmodarmy 15.41

Thank you.


Remember Gorgon Brown's raid on pension investors?

^^^if I remember correctly (more than happy to be corrected) he didn't touch public sector pensions.

Question Author

DD he didn't touch any pensions directly he just abolished tax relief on dividend income. Most pensions invest in stocks and shares usually through some sort of unit linked fund.

"Most pensions invest in stocks and shares usually through some sort of unit linked fund."

Indeed Tora. But the get out was that public sector pension contribuions are not invested in anything. In fact the funds do not exist at all. Public sector pensions are simply aa gigantic Ponzi scheme. But unlike a Ponzi scheme, instead of there being a few winners to create decent publicity, drawing in other gullible punters before it all goes belly up, there are quite a few recipients (2.8m at the latest count) who are paid their pensions from currrent tax receipts.

Labour Chancellors know this and relise that plundering private pension schemes has no effect on their public sector client base.


it all goes belly up, there are quite a few recipients (2.8m at the latest count) who are paid their pensions from currrent tax receipts.

of which 1m are NHS ( gt secret of  the NHS pension fund is that there is no fund - Bevan 1948)

varying points on national pensions

EEC ( roman law looks on pensions as deferred wages whereas our are based in equity law) - said a deficit should be calculated as " tomorrow the world ends, what is the liability?" And so it came about when we were harmonising our laws

but the  liabilities don.t ever mature on ONE day so it is a made up statistic with no meaning

and since it is nil in the piggy bank for NHS the liability is calculated as  -  ? £250 bn 

second.... where Pensions have  a piggy bank it may not  be better -  Teachers - god knows what they did - teachers pensions are terrible.

and Church commissioners They lost £100m in bad property deals ten years ago - oo-er Father !

no I am not gonna do Papal finances - ask your local mafioso

so all in all pensions are not really " foo foo EUSSR one liner fodder" we so often get on AB

but fan danga your wanga , TTT ! end of


TTT And YMB. Sleep well tonight and just dream about Labour being in power for the next five years ,and there is nothing you can do about it.  Just suck it up Ok! old china.. end of LOL.

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