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nicebloke1 | 10:11 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | News
38 Answers

Sir Keir has now got his sights on the water bosses. Stop spreading your muck to make yourself a bigger bonus or face up to 2years in jail. What a great working PM. Go get em SK.



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10.50 - expropriation without compensation!


Do you seriously want to see a UK Government do something like that? I don't.


Not all investors are institutional investors. What about the individual investors and pension scheme investors?

-- answer removed --

"It didn't go a miss with the rioters a few weeks back."

It wasn't the threat of prison that quelled the riots. It was seeing a few people put away for decent periods in short order. That won't happen with water company executives. They are unlikely to be put away at all and it certainly won't happen in short order.

Unfortunately, if he gets too tough on them, the super-rich will close ranks and bring the economy to its knees.

I think Labour will be the ones that do that canary, like they always do.

Eh? Any reason for thinking  or is it just prejudice ?

The prison are full. 

Mine was to Canary too, TTT

re-nationalise, Gulls ]this round didnt work

Stiglitx ( nobel prize eek) said the British system didnt work - but  the american system is not that good

the model ( "we will only let the water flow / trains run if you pump llotsand lots of moolah into us" was pretty well bound to fail

Strange that no one seems interested in the progress Sir Keir is making in ALL areas that have been ignored by the con gang.

stranger still we have been silent on Gaza and judea and samaria - perhaps we have been bludgeoned into sullen silence and acquiescence

"Strange that no one seems interested in the progress Sir Keir is making in ALL areas that have been ignored by the con gang."

There's nothing to ignore, Peter because no progress has been made in any significant area. Lots of announcements have been made, that's all. The proof of the pudding, as they say....

That's not surprising because they've only been in power for two months. In fact it won't be surprising if nothing much has improved after they've been in power for two years (unless you are a public sector employee). But that's a lesson which those who have never lived under a real Labour government will have to pick up.

The only recent improvement of any significance is that the UK is now the joint fastest growing ecomomy (with Canada) in the G7. It is outpacing our European friends in France, Germany and Italy as well as Japan and the United States ("despite" Brexit). But that is nothing to do with the new government as it has been evident since about May of this year.

Now the left are in, we're engaging in immature lower sixth form politics, and davebro at 10.50 (plus nicebloke (who isn't nice) and gulliver) show their naivety. I kind of get it, when I was in the sixth form I was as naive as them and was left-leaning, but then I grew up, realised I had to look after myself and matured. Unfortunately, those I mentioned haven't grown out of the lower sixth common room.


It really is concerning how adults can be as naive as them.

By "we're engaging" I mean, of course, the left.

//Strange that no one seems interested in the progress Sir Keir is making in ALL areas that have been ignored by the con gang.

stranger still we have been silent on Gaza and judea and samaria - perhaps we have been bludgeoned into sullen silence and acquiescence//

WOW - a rare moment of lucidity from PP. He CAN do it so why all the other claptrap?

//Now the left are in, we're engaging in immature lower sixth form politics, and davebro at 10.50 (plus nicebloke (who isn't nice) and gulliver) show their naivety. //

I wasn't suggesting SK should or could do that simply that it's what a true Labour PM might consider - instead we have LINO. I can assure you that I am not in the least way naive - so up yours!

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@22.08 I find it concerning that you are so self righteous.

Nicebloke1, dont forget a lot of polloution in rivers comes from the surrounding fields when the fields have been sprayed with slurry and then we get heavy rain and it washes it into the rivers

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^^ In the pool I refer too above, there is solid poo floating masses of it.

Toilet paper as well then

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