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You Couldn't Make It Up

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Canary42 | 15:38 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
8 Answers

A judge (presumably one of the more intelligent members of society) told him he faced a total of 180 years in prison for his charges.

The US have found the secret of long life.       

But if he did live that long, he most certainly should spend all that time in gaol IMHO.






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Yup, throw away the key.

I read about this earlier.

What father would even consider giving a troubled teenager a gun?  Words fail me ...

Guns are often given to kids 8 or so, sometimges even younger.  They do it do teach the kid how to safley use it and its mainly out in the country.  It does work.

However giving a kid access to an AR15 is madness.

Unfortunately the recent prosecutions of parents of school shooters doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent. 

Chelle, hopefully it will filter through the minds of the gun mad , that as parent they have responsibility for the actions of their children. This is only the second prosecution of this type that I know  of. It will help to focus minds if it is used routinely

"What father would even consider giving a troubled teenager a gun? "

Probably one who named that troubled teenager "Colt"

NJ, I missed that.😂

a first offender so he might get less. But put it this way: with UK sentences you're out in half the specified time, so he'd be free in 2114, or even earlier if they were still short of cells. In the US you mostly get what you're given.

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