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Are Religious Gatherings Or Meetings Allowed In A Person's Home?

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pastafreak | 14:39 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Society & Culture
26 Answers

This might belong in law. I'm asking because I occasionally hear the singing of hymns coming from the block of maisonettes opposite mine...always on a Saturday. 

The flats are a mix of owner occupied and rented. I'm assuming it's a rented flat.

Is permission needed for this use? 



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Yes, it is allowed. No you don't need permission 
14:42 Sat 07th Sep 2024

House Churches- small groups of Christians meeting in someone's homes rather than a Church building have been popular in the UK since at least the 1980's. I have been involved in numerous mid week fellowship groups always meeting in someone's home. You dont want to disturb the neighbours and meetings dont go on to too late in the evenings, but there is singing, praying and often guitars

Bible study groups in homes has always been popular within CofE and Methodist congregations.  Usually accompanied with tea and cake and finished with a hymn and prayers. 

I knew congregations were shrinking, but not that much 😀

Canary- The C of E I attend runs 3 services each Sunday. There are also numerous, small mid week groups which usually meet in someone's home. It is easier to get to know people and have more meaningfull fellowship in a smaller group. Not all Church congregations are shrinking!

My CofE Church is very active too

As a teenage evangelical christian (over 40 years ago now) we used to meet up for a house meeting once a week (ironically in a maisonette) on a wednesday night. Guitars, singing, prayers, the lot. Must have annoyed a lot of neigbours at the time...

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