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Why Do Entitled Parents And Their Offspring Think They Can Ignore The Rules?

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ToraToraTora | 13:40 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

Turn up with the wrong coloured barnett you are going home sweetie! Ain't rocket is it?



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Question brought Stanley and Boris Johnson to mind.

Would this be the school of Tory Radicalisation that this stupid little girl was attending.

//I hope Mrs Tora utilises your great lettuce picking supplementary does the shop"What do you think of this bag of iceberg, dear?"

 "Well, it ain't rocket is it?"//


'Cos it ain't rocket', surely

18:15. The usual pure stupidity. Bless.

Can we have a readable link to this thread please .It ain't Rocket.

Stop stirring. The link is fine for me and noone else has raised an issue. But thanks for not mentioning Boris again or Brexit.

It seems that this mother is out to cause trouble, if she had gone to speak to the headteacher they could have discussed and solved the issue earlier.

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Why Do Entitled Parents And Their Offspring Think They Can Ignore The Rules?

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