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Will This Government Become The Most Hated In Recent History?

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naomi24 | 13:15 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Politics
59 Answers

I think it's well on the way to claiming that title - and justifiably so.  After just a couple of months in office, this government has shown its true colours by revealing just some of what it didn't tell us before the election - and the results will resound right across the board.   I see Labour voters like rabbits in the headlights wondering what they've done.  I really think Mr Starmer's mad army will go out a lot quicker than they came in. 



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Sorry to interrupt the love-in, but can I just endorse the 'probably not' answer. The last government was a mess and was so bad it lost to a party who got a very low vote from around only 20% of the population S(someone here said they only won because teh last Con Govt was so bad), Labour ended in a mess in 1979, at least one here would I'm sure say Thatcher's was the most hated. Time will tell- it's how the public feels in 4 years from now that matters.

Tory voters will be back in droves after a few years of Labour, pity it's going to take so long. (And pity it will be another binary choice.)

Starmer shouldn't be feeling smug with only 20% voting for Labour under our fundamentally unfair electoral stitch up.

When Robber Reeves brings in her tax rises on 30th October, the total tax revenue for the Government will go down - it has happened before. In addition, if people have less money, guess what, they won't spend so won't put money into the economy. When they hammer CGT, there will be less investment, which will be bad for the economy. 


There's so many other things that show they're going to be a disaster for the economy.


Its been reported that 9,500 multi-millionaires will leave the country this year due to the incoming punitive taxes.


The trouble is, for idealogical reasons, the far left just will not accept these harsh realities...including those on this thread. We've already seen on this thread one poster saying Labour are doing a good job when, by any objective measure (unless you're a train driver) they are doing a dreadful job.

DD: "When Robber Reeves brings in her tax rises on 30th October, the total tax revenue for the Government will go down " - yep, conversley, the lefties hate to be reminded of this but when TGL cut income tax early on, total tax receipts increased. People work harder when they can keep more of their own money.

^^^indeed - it's purely ideological rather than fiscal prudence. It's let's hammer those awful people who have had the bare-faced temerity to be successful. It's envy politics.

It's hard forme to believe how old-fashioned class splits (warfare) have re-emerged so quickly. I honestly thought we'd got past that one.

Oh god there is some moaning. Hammer those successful Mones, successful crooks more like.

^^^and that just proves the point. Useful idiots like nice bloke could not give a tinker's cuss about the economy and how it will impact people, all they care about is the rich getting punished. Michelle Mone may well have made money, but as it stands she's done nothing wrong, and unless she's prosecuted and subsequently convicted she deserves that same protection as all of us.


Non-thinking people like nicebloke (an oxymoron if ever there  was one) and gulliver don't like her for the sole reason she's rich.


And that's the hard left all over - they don't like people having money...unless it's them that have that have the money.


They're sad inadequate incels. 

23:52 there's your BA Naomi!

Non-thinking people like nicebloke (an oxymoron if ever there  was one)

I created the phrase: "Inverted nominative determinism" !


is an "oxymoron" some sort of thick bovine?😂

no, here's an example: "Left wing intelligencia"

Naomi: can you keep the usual suspects on track please. You know what to do - culling is required

inverted nom..... no "auto-antonym" will do - 

(someone here said they only won because the last Con Govt was so bad) - that was me - if you dont like original thought of any kind on AB then you can say that I got it off the tel.

same as 1997 - I am not sure what the legislative session is going to end up as. They are going to kick out the  last of the hereditary peers ( 92/1000+) which doesnt strike me as an ugent thing


It may be that the belief, Tory voters will be back in droves, could be wishful thinking. While, based of progress so far, Labour politicians might worry about lost deposits, the public must surely realise by now that the two traditionally main parties have no idea, and that they should look to support an alternative.

no, here's an example: "Left wing intelligencia"

what about - Ab is  full of original thinkers?

23.52 haha moaning along with perthetic insults. Sticks and stones lovey. You lost get over it.:0))))

PP 9.21, Lets pretend I've not seen it is the way to do it pp, even though the first thing i did when i opened my eyes this morning was to check the click full. Keeps AB rolling

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Labour fans don’t appear to be getting their heads around this at all - probably because they're stuck in the sand.  The economy aside and keeping it simple, already having condemned thousands of elderly people to a cold winter and abandoned the Rwanda project with no workable plan in place (the Germans don’t seem to mind) before telling us that thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants are to be fast-tracked, rubber-stamped and accommodated in social housing - that's despite the huge waiting lists - rumours now abound of a proposal to abandon the long-standing cap on fuel duty which will not only hit the motorist, but will negatively affect the cost of living for everyone.  Everything has to be transported and the extra cost will ultimately fall upon the consumer.   In simple terms that everyone should be capable of understanding,  people will become poorer - and for the already poor - you know, those caring Labour is supposed to care about - that is frightening.  Labour's mantra now seems to be 'Up the workers!  Right up them!'

Well, I for one and friends/family, totally praying for Labour to go. We all voted Reform. This country is rapidly sinking under Labour.

It started sinking the very day Boris walked into number 10, he thought it was one big game. Its now on the up again, we have a real working PM thats not clowning around and telling porkies like the cons have been doing.

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