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Titan Travel

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thesecondlaw | 09:09 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | Travel
4 Answers

Wife and I are going on holiday with Titan Travel in February. Included in the price is transport to and from airport (Cambridge to Heathrow). It doesn't mention tipping the driver, but feel I should 'give him a drink'. I thought £20 each way would be a fair amount. Don't want to appear tight, though. Any suggestions? 



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He's not doing you a favour by taking you to the airport, he's already getting paid for it.

Get yourself a drink.

Wow, a pint must be very expensive where you are.

I know they're being oaid for driving you but i always gave something - as I do with any taxi driver.  Its often not exected but appreciated.  I would say £10 each way would be fine.

£10 each way, unless it is shared transport as it so often is

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