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Loan help

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welshfox | 20:32 Sat 20th Jan 2007 | Business & Finance
8 Answers
After a long time off sick from work, I've missed payments on certain things and am now in debt. to cut a long story short, I need to get a loan of about 10k - that will pay all of my debts and I'll only be left with my mortgage. Plus have money to put away incase something needs repairing etc.
Due to my now crappy credit rating, I need a loan company that aren't going to take the p*ss by charging me mega bucks in interest, as I would never be able to pay it off! Does anybody know of a reputable and good loan company that could help me get back on track and lend me the money but with a decent interest rate, despite my not so good credit rating? Im fed up of speaking to companies who want an extra 15k or so in interest for lending me the money! Thanks in advance, me, my wallet and bank manager x


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You've confused me. A loan of �10k will not leave you with just your mortgage.
It willl leave you with your mortgage plus a �10k loan.

It does not make any sense at all to borrow money you don't need to put away in case you do need it.

Perhaps a remortgage would be the answer? Is there much equity in your property?

You are unlikely to get a low interest loan - interest rates are on the up, and you are considered a bad risk.

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okay, obviously it would leave me with the loan and my mortgage - there is no equity in my property as I had a higher mortgage than the house was worth at the time- dont think its gone up that much in value. The extra money would be about �500 so cant see that making a huge difference - which I might need if I need new tyres on the car, or fix a problem with the house - its not much but it'd be something for a rainy day.
Basically, Im trying to get out of a hole that someone else dug for me, and so any helpful advice is much appreciated. I cant get an IVA as my debt isn't high enough, but the debts I have got are crippling me and Im fed up of getting final demand letters and dreading the postman coming every morning.
I have no mortgage arrears, no CCjs - yet - I just need a bit of help finacially and can't ask my family, as my bank suggested. I am unable to get a second job as my current employer doesnt allow it, Im trying to sell loads on ebay to get some cash - Im willing to try anything but after months of trying, a loan is my only solution. Just thought someone might know of a decent loan company that wont take advantage of my situation
Try speaking to CCCS or Payplan. They won't charge you anything for advice and they may be able to help. Good luck!
i dont understand either - if you cant afford the repayments on things you have now, what makes you think borrowing more will help, especially if you are going to be paying a higher interest rate? How will you afford to pay back a 10k loan, if you can't pay back 9.5k debts now?
Are you working now? Why don't you contact your crditors and explain the sickness situation, but that you are now working again (if you are) and that you wi;; be able to styart paying now
I am a private lender,I went through the website and found your loan request.I am willing to lend you.Contact me via email on [email protected]
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You can loan online now at
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