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What Have You Never Done

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nailedit | 18:31 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

What things have you never done that seems that everone else (of your generation) has?

For me (aged 58) Ive never seen Star Wars.

Never sung at a Karaoke.

Never been camping.



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Thought my life was dull....

Some people just havnt lived...

How could you not sleep in a caravan or have your tonsils removed?

Come on, life is too short not to have a tonsilectomy!

I've never seen Star Wars either, I'm not even sure its everyones cup of tea, its certainly isn't mine. And I'm 55.


I've sang at a Karaoke and done camping in a tent when I was in the Scouts at the age of 8,  but I could the flu from being freezing at night, so my parents had to come and get me half way through the Scout event.  So ever since that it put me off camping, its too simular to sleeping rough in my opinion. You are basically out in the wilds at night even though your in a sleeping bag in a tent its still how I imagine sleeping rough is like.

I've never been in a hot air balloon, that just doesn't appeal to me although I have flown in a plane many times. Oh and I have never flown in a helicopter, the thought terrifies me for some reason. 

I...unfortunately...have to admit to doing karaoke. And it was awful!! I was cornered into doing it at a works Christmas lunch. It was one of the longest 2 minutes I've experienced 😩 

I've never watched titanic or Harry Potter.

Not been camping, been skiing, learned how to ride a bicycle,swim, drive.  

You move in unusual circles Sharon if they all (except you) seem to have been arrested 😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   



You've never rode a bicycle??

I'm shocked, I thought that's something all children do when their 4 or 5.

I was in double figures before I learnt to ride a bike.

renegade...I had a tricycle...maybe I should have included that. I tried learning to ride on a friend's bike but I was useless. I was extremely overprotected as a child.

What can I say? I'm a goody two shoes!! 😇


Never seen Star Wars either, can't stand sci-fi, I wouldn't go to see Chariots of Fire at first!

Never watched a whole episode of Only Fools and Horses, the odd bits I have seen have been unfunny and predictable.

Never seen Eastenders.

//I've never been in a hot air balloon, that just doesn't appeal to me//


Don't worry, you're not missing much, I expected it to be far more exhilarating, just like standing at an upstairs window.

I've done everything that everyone else on here says they haven't done, with the exception of bikini wax and tonsillectomy.

I have never crossed the Channel in an inflatable boat.

I have never voted labour...or eaten cheese.

I've never been to a musical. That includes 'we will rock you' I have done the karaoke thing home and abroad usually roped into it when I don't give a...

never been in a helicopter 

I've never been to America, yet it seems on everyones wish list I know, yet I have been to many countries, Spain, France, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Amsterdam. 


There are still places I haven't visited in my own County here in Cornwall. 

I've never seen Star Wars or sung karaoke either. 

Never seen a James Bond film.

Never been to Blackpool.

Never eaten turkey.


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