Pension Search in The AnswerBank: Insurance
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Pension Search

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davidmarsden | 12:12 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Insurance
2 Answers

my wife had a workplace pension .she took a drawdown.she passed away whilst on holiday in spain. i notified her pension provider and heard nothing from them.imet a former friend of my wife who told me there may have been an allowance in the pension for a spouse but it is 8 yeras ago. is it too late to make


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If it's a drawdown pot then it would have a nominated beneficiary in the event of death. Your Mrs probably would have you nominated. That means the drawdown pot goes to you but when you draw downfrom it it is treated ans income and taxed accordingly. It does NOT form part of her estate.  So contact the company and find out who she has nominated, it can be more than one person.

yes contact the pension provider - 

It IS part of her estate but IHT may not be chargeable.

the  usual suspects have a go at Pensions here


gives you an idea whether anyone knows what they are talking about

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