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Anonymous Letters

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Wuffles | 12:50 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Law
43 Answers

Hi all


my wife has got 2 anonymous letters sent to her saying I've been having an affair (one letter last year, one this year). After the second one I filed a police report but they've closed the case as they can't justify the expense but said they'd reopen it if another letter came. 

I think I know who it is but I didn't tell anyone as I did cheat with her. They were not threatening but obviously I don’t want this coming out. The last letter she said she'd prove it to my wife and show her the messages between us. I'm worried this will happen. 


what would happen if she got another letter? Would the police actually do anything? I really don't want to say I have an inkling who it is as it will be me confessing to cheating which I'm not prepared to do (I know, I just know. Don't need any lectures)


The letters and envelopes are typed, self sealing envelopes and local-ish post marks. First 2 sent recorded delivery but what if the next one is just plain first class snail mail? Can that be traced?



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That was somewhat poetic Doug.๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Pat Boone, Ozzy, can't claim credit. ๐Ÿ˜„

I wouldn't have known, if it weren't for your honesty๐Ÿ˜

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