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Frost In September

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renegadefm | 15:55 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
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I couldn't believe my ears last night, when our local news show said there will be some frost on Friday. 

I'm thinking hang its still technically summer. 



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I will stick my neck out and say this has to be one of the worst summers I can remember. 


I did the normal thing I do in May and tidied up our back yard, and washed the garden seats etc.  And hand on heart I haven't once sat out there with a cold beer which I normally do on a lovely summers evening, but the few sunny days we have had I have been either working or doing something else.


I think I can honestly say this is the first summer I haven't once sat out there. 

It has been an awful summer.  I am normally work outside from early May til October.  I've got a gazebo and outside power supply.  This year, I have sat out there a handful of times.

Much of September is Summer, unless one is involved in meteorology abd can't cope with seasons correctly starting on equinoxes and solstices.


Autumn starts this year on Sunday 22 September.

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We certainly have had more rainy or over cast days than nice sunny ones. 

A farmer I know hasn't even been able to do a crop of hay because there hasn't been enough sunny days in a row to dry it once its cut. 

And I've never witnessed that before. 

Farmer here. The weather this year has been cr@p. We still have barley to harvest and it won't stop raining. The biggest concern is that the crop will start to rot in the field before we can cut it. 

You have my sympathy twoshortplanks.  I'm a farmer's daughter (although dad is retired) so I get this I really do.  My friends across the road are arable farmers - they have now got it all in, but it was very fits and starts and he told me a couple of days ago that it is his worst harvest ever.

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Its just been announced on our local news here in Cornwall, that we will experience frost tomorrow morning. 

Personally hand on heart I can never remember frost in September, especially as its still technically summer until the 23rd of September. 


Strange times indeed!! 

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