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Will Labour Scrap Free Bus Passes

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webbo3 | 08:32 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
25 Answers

They lied about scraping the WFA, will they now scrap free bus Passes



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I guess everyone misses the days of competence and honesty of Lynn Truss Rishi Sunak.

and the compulsion to tell the truth like BoJo and Farage

( Mystic Meg says: this thread will not last)

Is Lynn Liz's sister?

Can't hope to police the radio, every vehicle in the country must have one now, we haven't got a radio in the house anymore, but computers and TV can broadcast it. Damn we'll be going back to pirate ships before you know it. 

Bus pass, never used it, if  I use a bus it's out of the free period. Can walk to a pub, can walk to shops or get it delivered free to the door.

Oh Lordy ! I'm all right jack !

If they're not going to do it, why don't they say they're not going to do it?

isnt there a goodies sketch - I want passengers to know.... the left wing is NOT on fire.....kinda fits in well with AB

Peter Pedant, I've posted quite a lot today that you've missed.  You're slipping!

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Will Labour Scrap Free Bus Passes

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