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Whats A Movie That You Could Watch Again And Again

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nailedit | 16:17 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
46 Answers

I've seen both Silence of the lambs and The Excorcist several times.

Don't know what that says about my psychology mind?



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Cool Hand Luke.
Charley Varrick.
Blade Runner.


What dreams may come

Interview with the vampire

war of the worlds (modern version)

lost christmas


The Conversation 

The Wrong Box

12 Angry men 

Where Eagles Dare 

Rollerball ( the original one )

Spaghetti Westerns 

I recall the first time I saw 12 Angry men  - I was surfing the channels and came across it - I thought to myself I'll just see what it is all about , intending to move on soon ; but I got drawn in and hooked to the end .

Gripping film 

I like the way at the very end the camera shows just a frame of Henry Fonda at the entrance to the courthouse , it then slowly pans to show the steps , then down to the sidewalk , then a few buildings , then continues to pan out to show a panoramic view of the city .

All to remind the viewers  that while they have been watching this gripping film of 12 men shut away in a room deliberating on the future of a man ; life outside the courtroom  had been carrying on with people going about their business , unaware of what had taken place 

The Godfather series.

Clint Eastwood films.

Hidden Figures 

Young Frankenstein.

Like to add. 'The Butterfly Effect'.

//Like to add. 'The Butterfly Effect'.//

DON'T - it causes CHAOS!

“I knew the power of a single wish, after all. Invisible and inevitable, like a butterfly that beats its wings in one corner of the globe and with that single action changes the weather halfway across the world.”


Ice Cold in Alex is just on. The German goes off regularly with a shovel to do the necessary - are the other 3 constipated? 🤣

(would you bury your poo in the middle of the desert?)

and they are sweating throughout - I thought it was cold in the desert at night!🙄

The Last Of The Mohicans - i've seen it a couple of dozen times at least. The acting is top notch (particularly from Daniel Day-Lewis and Wes Studi), the scenery beautiful and the music superb.

The Lord of The Rings, extended edition. Zulu. 

The original Star Wars trilogy

Any movie by Studio Ghibli and most by Pixar

Big Fish

Nightmare Before Christmas (Halloween tradition)

Seven Samurai/Hidden Fortress/Ikiru/Rashomon

The Great Escape

The Cornetto trilogy.

Any Harry Potter.

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Love Harry Potter naomi. Seen those several times too.

Me too, Nailedit.  And the books.  So cleverly written.

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