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In Court In The Morning.

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nailedit | 20:01 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
46 Answers

Getting to be a bit of an habit!

And I'm not even a nun...



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Wishing you all the very best. You CAN do it you know. 

I missed this yesterday. I'm relieved that you got past this ok nailedit. Just a few more days until your next, positive step.

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Thanks guys.

In detox a week tomorrow (thursday 19th).

But then got a police interview at some yet to be given date and given a court date for assault.

Original date given upon release from custody was for the time that I was due for hospital treatment so solicitor has asked for a postpoment.



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Originally should have been interviewed while in custody but was deemed unfit to be interviewed. Had to be medicated 3 times while in the cells because I was ill with alcohol withdrawal.

Sounds a nightmare nailedit.  I hope you're feeling good this evening.

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Been better Ladybirder but thanks for asking,

atarying keep myself alive and beat an addictiction but also got the problem of once detoxed how the hell do I cope with another jail sentence... It just isnt going to happen.

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