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The First Fire Of The Winter …

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naomi24 | 18:53 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

.... is currently blazing away in my sitting room ... and it's only September.   Is anyone else chilly?



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Cooler this evening so I've put a dressing gown on.

Still 2 digits ok-ish.

Well I didn't fill a hot water bottle as I was OK.  I have underfloor heating which I've set to come on at 18 degrees but that rarely happens as my flat is well insulated.  It's usually 22 in here most of the time and it is that now.

pasta: "What happened to the British stiff upper lip I've always heard of?" - sadly it's been made illegal, Fortunately there are some of us left! Our heating never comes on before November, end of.

The stiff upper lip has been softened by the constantly streaming nose.

I don't get on with electric blankets.  I feel the cables in under blankets so we tried an over blanket. I kept kicking the plug and when it was turned off the material made me sweat very badly.

My wife now has a single electric blanket on her side of the bed.

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The First Fire Of The Winter …

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