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Toilet, Shower And Sink At Back Of My House

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JinnyJoan | 12:16 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | Home & Garden
28 Answers

well I am still of the above idea but the idea has moved.  Rather than go through half of my dining room being dug and going through all the digging etc.

I was wondering could I the above in like an enclosed hub and put to the back of the wall.  Yes I understand all never never as in heat and elements  going to the back room but I should have that covered.  Anybody first of all tell me where I can if I can buy the hub.  Thanks for all your help.



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2025 is a long time off if you are having problems now.  especially if you dont anticipate those problems are going to improve.

my mum wanted to lookinto getting a walk in shower and her bath taken out because she was struggling to get her leg over the bath.  I advised her to get it done asap because that struggle wasnt going to get any easier, and if she ever got to a stage she couldnt do it, that would happen suddenly probably

I hope you find a sensible solution, the sooner the better

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well I couldn't stand workmen in the wintertime.  I will just go back to basics like in my old home, wash my hair over the sink and then just go face, fanny and feet LOL.  

to me, an outside observer, the most sensible solution is a stairlift. Jinny says it would be too slow but i can hardly imagine that her walking up the stairs is much faster.

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If you have diarrhoea - stair lift wouldn't meet the requirements

If you are taking iron pills this can cause diarrhoea. Mention it to your GP when you see him

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As my ma would say - "there's always an a$se or an elbow wrong  with you".  

so if you have diarrohea do you currently run up the stairs?

you could get a commode downstairs for the times when you need something urgent, and a stairlift for ordinaryness

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Toilet, Shower And Sink At Back Of My House

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