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A 74 Yr Friend On

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tamaris | 14:28 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

Pension credit has  just had a letter saying that she will be contacted by phone or letter about any savings etc etc she had. Is this to do with the winter  fuel  ?  She's says this is unusual . Will they be doing lots of checks on people now ?



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Of course - if everyone who is eligible claims pension credit & gets it Robber Reeves WFA grab will be wiped out & then some!

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Do t understand that . 

It's normal for them to check up that there is still an entitlement.

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Yes she says they do every year, which she says happened this year, but this is another check she's never had before

The letter is apparently to check on whether or not you are receiving the correct amount of PC. Hence the current account and savings account details being requested when the time comes.

Just curious, has she recently been abroad?

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Abroad why ?

Because a friend of ours always gets a similar letter shortly after she returns home from abroad

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Really why ? No she says she's never had a letter like this

Maybe it's coincidence, maybe it's because she also claims PIP

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What's PIP

If she has too much income she will not receive Pension Credit but if she suits the requirements of Pension Credit and receives it she will get the Winter Fuel Allowance.

PIP is another name for the old DLA.  

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I see, no she's mot on disability. Just Pension Credit.

personal independence payment/dislabled living allowance?

If she is already on it she'll be ok. 

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