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Nhs Must ‘Reform Or Die’ Says Kier Starmer

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naomi24 | 11:32 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | News
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The lunatics are now in charge of the asylum TTT (in the NHS & gov) - we are all DOOMED!

nicebloke: "Spot on TTT" - I need a lie down😀


13:44 probably but who knows they may get some things right.

13:44. Is that an NHS ran asylum?

No - they got shot of most of those. Only secure units now for the most deranged. (Except those "care in the community" types out butchering people!)

Ambulances have been parked up outside hospitals for months before KS came to power and people dying in them while waiting for treatment. How many that would have died anyway we will never know, but thats not really the point, if you've been bought to hospital by ambulance for treatment you should NEVER be waiting for hours outside in an ambulance, or anywhere else for that matter, some people have waited hours at home for an ambulance to even arrive. How much worse than that can it get??

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//Perhaps chopping pensioners winter fuel allowance is part of Keir's amazing plan for reforming the NHS.  //


Quite.  Hardly the best approach to his 'prevention not cure' baloney.  Stapleford is right.  Labour has no plan for fixing the NHS.  This is nothing more than an excuse to deprive the NHS of funding.

NHS = No extra money without reforms and modernisation.

Train Drivers = Here's an extra wodge of cash without reforms or modernisation.  

Vote Labour they said...

//Empire building was the problem also with the con party. Far to many fingers in foggy companies.//

This thread is about the NHS and how to improve it. Please stay on topic instead of reverting to the same old hobby horses. 

^^ Excuse lovey, the NHS is where a lot of the dodgy dealings have been going on, dont lets forget the Mones and the Hancocks of this world. Try and find something else to have a poke about because your very much wrong on this one.:0))

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Nicebloke, this is about the NHS and what Labour intends to do with it.  Stick to the OP.

Neither is WFA to do with the Op. thats  pointed out by you @13.52 

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Oh but it is, nicebloke.  Neglecting the health of the elderly is storing up problems for the NHS - and soon.  It's totally relevant.  

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Gulliver, if you want a break from AB carry on being rude.

gulliver please carry on being rude!

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Rolling about here.  Very funny.

If he wants to make actual change in the NHS as part of this reform (and yes it's a big if) well for a start get rid of diversity managers etc ! Overall, according to a set of Freedom of Information requests submitted by the Taxpayers' Alliance last October, NHS England employs 800 diversity and inclusion officers, at a cost of £40 million a year. What do they all do? Lets see this government make its first meaningful move.

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They will be the last people to go, spungle.

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