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Friday The Thirteenth

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naomi24 | 11:58 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Are you superstitious in any way?   I'm not - although I always put shoes the right way round - and if I spill salt I chuck a bit over each shoulder because I can never remember which it's supposed to be.  Touch wood that works.  ;o)



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13 was the lucky number in the Italian football pools (Totocalcio). The Italian expression "fare tredici" (literally, "make thirteen") means to hit the jackpot.

Thank you Wikipedia.

Chinese don't like 4 (it sounds like death). I was told it was something to do with Judas being No 13 at the feast, but apparently Loki did something similar in Viking lore.

I do the salt thing, but not a lot else 🤞

Salt over the left shoulder. Into the devils eyes.

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