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Food For Thought

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Canary42 | 01:09 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

The basic state pension for a single person is about £35 per day.

The breakfast allowance for MPs is £56 per day.

Something wrong somewhere.



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>>> "Something wrong somewhere."

There certainly is when people believe the falsehoods that are repeatedly being spread on Facebook!

If an MP is staying in a hotel in order to carry out his/her duties, he/she can claim a maximum of £25 per night for food as an overnight subsistence allowance (which would include both his/her evening meal and breakfast).  That's broadly in line with what I was getting paid for overnight subsistence as a contractor for a travel survey company.

Nothing wrong, fat cats eat more,,

That's not the breakfast allowance, that's the hoors and coke allowance which is not to be sniffed at.

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